Unfortunately, this is not the case here. You see, despite all the hours of planning, reading, scheming, dreaming, emailing, talking to others, etc... sometimes, things just go completely to shit and everything you thought was going to happen, doesn't. (Or at least doesn't go the way you thought it would.) Such is life right? You never know what's going to happen or when. But, looking at it in a positive light, things changing is what adds to this adventure we call life right? It's what keeps things interesting. Well, ok. This is how we are choosing to look at it anyway!
I won't bother you with all the boring details of why things didn't work out. I will just say that our grand plan of quitting our jobs and spending a year living on our bikes has changed. Dramatically. Are we depressed about it? Yes. We are! But all in all, our "New" plan has some things in it that will alleviate some stress that our old plan held. And who doesn't love stress reduction?
So what is our new plan you ask? Well, to put it simply, we have 6 weeks to go and see whatever it is we want to see. We sat down and discussed what parts of the country we wanted to see the most and quickly realized that the Pacific Coast was on both of our short lists. So kids, that's where we are headed.
Due to our shortened time frame, we will be using alternate transportation to avoid wasting time riding thru parts of the country we are not all that interested in. (like the entire midwest) We therefore, sometime around the beginning of June, will be boarding the train from our home in Wisconsin and riding the rails all the way to Portland Oregon, where our 2 wheeled adventure will begin. We will head out of Portland and go see some of the things friends, family and even total strangers have suggested we go see. We plan on taking it nice and slow in order to really "see" and experience everything we can while we are there.
This trip will not be to see how far we can get in 6 weeks, but instead it will be to see how much we can experience in 6 weeks. We have no set goals, no set daily mileages, no set anything. If we stop somewhere we like, we may decide to spend a couple days there. Again, this is a "No plan" kind of a trip. The type of trip where getting lost will be looked at as an opportunity.
So there you go. That is our new and revised plan. Is it even remotely close to our old plan? Nope! Are we ok with that? Yup! We really are. Sure, we're disappointed that our original plan didn't work out, but we are not going to sit around pouting about it. (well, maybe a little bit) Instead, we are going to go and do what we can. Things happen for a reason and we believe that this is, for us, at this time, what was meant to be.
I know some of you were looking forward to following our journey. We love and appreciate that and we sincerely apologize to you for the changes. However, we still have 6 weeks! That is more than enough time to have a fun, crazy adventure isn't it? We think so!
We are going to pull the plug on the blog however. Since we will be doing a shorter trip, we have decided to keep all of you posted via our Facebook page only. With 6 weeks, we felt updating the blog AND Facebook would be too time consuming and we want to pack in all the experiencing we can, as opposed to blogging.
If you follow the blog but not Facebook, click the link to the right side of this page. That will take you directly to our Facebook page. Click the like button and you will be all set to follow us on Facebook. We will keep the blog up for a while yet to insure everyone gets the word, but from now on, all updates will be done on Facebook.
Thank you so very much to everyone who is showing an interest in our trip. We are pretty excited to get started and we look forward to everything the coast has in store for us. Meeting new people, experiencing new and beautiful places and doing it all from the saddle of our bicycles.
Thru the wonder that is the internet, we have met another cycle-tourist from Mexico that, as of this date, may or may not be joining us to share some of our adventure. We hope things will work out for her and that she can join us, as that would be quite fun. Look at that. The trip hasn't even started yet and we are already meeting interesting people.
Hope to see you on the road!!!
Pat & Bobbi